Thursday, October 09, 2008

Niche Marketing Explained

What exactly is Niche Marketing?

Niche marketing is a term which you will come across time and time again in the world of internet marketing, and perhaps you have a vague idea of what it means even if you aren’t able to give a precise definition.

The word 'niche' usually means a special, usually very limited and strictly defined subject or topic, usually a product or a service, while marketing' is the act of promoting what you have to sell. Therefore, niche marketing means the promotion of a product or service in a very specialized area. Being in a niche market means that although your market is limited, the people who are in the buying area of that market are much more likely to buy, as they have found exactly what they are looking for.

You may have heard the term “long tail” keywords, which is a method of targeting your niche. For instance, if your site is about hair care, if someone types that phrase into a search engine, it is not very likely that your site would come up, as there is way too much competition for that keyword. However, if you use a long tail keyword like “How do I stop my hair from drying out”, the number of people typing in that particular phrase will be much smaller, but on the other hand if that’s the problem they have, and that’s the phrase they type in, it is much more likely that your site will come up ahead of others.

One other advantage of targeting the not so common keywords is that the cost of buying your keyword, say for an Adwords campaign, will be that much lower.

Of course if your site is actually about hair care in general, your long tail keyword will reach its targeted audience, but unless there is specific reference to that long tail keyword on your landing page, and a solution to that particular problem of dry hair, your targeting of that niche market will be wasted.

So, niche marketing is the art of selling a product or service
to people who are looking for that exact niche. They are not interested in shampoos or conditioners; they are only interested in products that are specifically designed to deal with the problem of dry hair.

Finding a niche for your product should be fairly easy. Imagine yourself as the prospective customer – what are the words you would type into a search engine to find your product?

Make sure you have done your research well, before you target your niche market. There needs to be a definite demand for that product, and above all, there needs to be a profit in it. Too many people follow some guru’s advice to concentrate on things you know, when in fact the things in which you are interested may not have a market.

You may be passionate about a particular style of knitting, but I doubt that there would be a ready market for it.

The aim is to try to find a market that’s still small enough that it hasn’t yet attracted too much competition, but yet is still large enough to provide enough potential customers. This may be easier said than done, but it is still possible.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Back-end sales - where the real money is

income fulfils the dream of putting money in a marketer's pocket with
hardly any work or effort on their part. The extra sales of back-end
products mean that you can get paid for work that you only have to do
once. If this sounds like your kind of lifestyle, read on.

Firstly, what are back-end products? They are the new products you
come across which you then offer to your existing customers, i.e. to
people who have previously bought something from you, and are now on
your email list.

Most marketers make a lot more money from selling a second, third,
fourth product to their customers than from selling their original product.
The reason is that once you’ve built up some trust, people who've
bought from you once are much more likely to buy again.

If you shift your focus from the short sighted "take the money
and run" approach used by so many marketers, you will get a lot
more respect from your customers and in the process make a lot more
money. This is a lot better than getting a massive amount of traffic
and selling an over-priced, over-hyped product that doesn't deliver
what was promised.

You might make some dollars in the short run, but you will only sell
to each customer once and will have to continue spending on advertising
to get new customers. You may also get some negative feedback. The internet,
for all its great size, is still quite a small place, especially in
the field of internet marketing – word gets around.

All successful sites make building a strong relationship with their
customers a top priority. Your main goal therefore shouldn't be to just
make your customers satisfied, you want them to be more than satisfied.
One way of keeping them more than just satisfied is to deliver over
and above what you sold them. Give them a useful bonus, and they will
be pleasantly surprised and thankful. If you only sell quality goods
and great programs, your list will trust you more, and once you have
that trust, you can just about sell them anything. When you send your
very satisfied customers your next email offering another product that
you think they would be interested in, they will have a tendency to
buy it because they trust you.

Do You Really Need Your Own Product?

Whether you need to have your own product to become a successful affiliate
marketer is a perennial question that keeps being asked and answered
ever since the start of affiliate marketing, and everyone has a different
answer. Some say you it is essential to have your own product to succeed,
while there are also those who say you don't need your own product;
you can make more than enough buy selling someone else’s.


Having your own product is still the best option to make
money online
, but it isn't absolutely necessary. Those who own their
own product can build their sales page around that product and have
affiliates working for them. Product owners love affiliate marketers
and products to sell are easy to find.

People who don't have their own products can still make a reasonable
living from being an affiliate marketer.

.The thing that both those who do and those who don't have their own
product have in common is that they both must believe in the products
they sell, as you will never be successful in selling something that
you’re not interested in yourself. It takes drive and commitment
to succeed at any endeavour and affiliate marketing is no different.
You must believe in a product in order to keep your drive and ambition
alive and well, otherwise you will lose interest.

Whether you are marketing your own product or a product produced by
others your success is directly related to how effective your advertising
is, how driven you are to succeed, how well you manage your time and/or
money, and finally how much you believe in the product.

making opportunities

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How to identify a hot product

is always a demand for some goods, otherwise they wouldn’t be
there. You may not be able to ascertain the level of the demand but
you can be sure that there will be some. If you’ve ever studied
economics you will recall the classic demand graph – as prices
go up demand goes down. The amount of the drop in demand as the price
rises is governed by the elasticity of demand for the product. A high
elasticity of demand means that the demand for a product is highly affected
by the price, and vice versa. For instance, we had a cyclone here a
couple of years ago, which wiped out the banana crop. The price of bananas
rose from $1.99 a kilo to over $14 per kilo, and demand dropped right
off – people decided they didn’t like bananas that much
that they were willing to pay $14 a kilo for them. Bananas are therefore
an example of high elasticity, while an example of low elasticity is
the cost of a plumber. If your toilet is overflowing because of a blocked
sewage pipe, your plumber can charge just about whatever he wants –
you’ll pay it.

So, demand may not be affected entirely by price; I’m sure if
the next version of Windows came out next week, at double the normal
price, some diehards would still queue up overnight outside the store

Well, you’ll be thankful that that’s the end of Economics
1.1 for today!

When you are searching for goods to promote in your affiliate marketing
business, it is better to look for goods with long term demand rather
that immediate demand. On the other hand, you will know the bombardment
of emails you get from some marketing pros whenever the next big thing
with a catchy name comes along. It’s better for the person starting
out to stick with perennial favourites like dog training, or lawn care,
which will always be popular.

Some Other Affiliate Marketing Mistakes . . .

Anyone can set up a good website and start an affiliate marketing career
to make money online.
It’s so easy to find affiliate marketing opportunities for every
conceivable product on the internet. However, it is also very simple
to make crucial mistakes that will just about guarantee your failure.

One of the most common affiliate marketing mistakes is to think that
all you have to do is go to Clickbank, find the products that pay the
most commission, and sign up. Then drive traffic to the product sales
page through your affiliate link and wait for the money to roll in.

It' is good to choose a product that pays a high commission, but that's
not really the most important thing to consider. It's more important
to find an affiliate program that meets certain criteria.

1. Make sure the product is a proven seller, otherwise you will waste
your time and money driving traffic to a sales page that doesn't convert
prospects into buyers. If you are doing your research in Clickbank for
example you can see right away which products are selling. Click on
“most popular”.

2. Make sure the product owner looks after his affiliates, and has
lots of marketing tools to help you. Look for someone that provides
banners, pre-written e-mails, and other resources you can use to promote
the product. As an affiliate marketer, you need to be sure that you
will get credits for all your referrals. It is well known that customers
seldom buy on the first visit, and when they return they may go straight
to the sales page, bypassing your link. You want your affiliate ID to
stay with that customer even if he returns later through another link.

3. Don’t choose an affiliate program that promotes an e-mail
course. This would tend to suggest that the owner’s first goal
is to capture e-mail addresses, with any sale being a welcome bonus.
As an affiliate marketer, you need to capture those e-mail addresses
for your own list, and then you have the means to convert that prospect
into a sale at a later date. Build your own list, not someone else's.

Look for all the money
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More affiliate mistakes

Don't Spam

To comply with the anti-spamming law make sure the unsubscribe option in your
emails is working. For new subscribers, always use a double opt-in system to
cover yourself. It is the only way you can prove that people gave you their
express consent to receive your e-mails. You might lose a few new subscribers
who won’t confirm, but they would probably not have been good customers
anyway. Be honest in your approach to getting e-mail addresses and you won’t
have to keep looking over your shoulder Besides, honesty is just good business,
since it shows respect for the customer and saves you from getting a bad reputation.

Don’t buy bulk traffic:

Every serious website owner wants to get more traffic to their site and this
makes them vulnerable to many of the dubious traffic schemes and scams that
are all over the internet. Owners get swayed by the promises of high volume
traffic, but the problem is that high volume by itself doesn't necessarily translate
into a high volume of sales.

You want visitors who come to your website because they want to find out more
about a specific niche topic. Good traffic comes from real people clicking links
on topics which are targeted to their interests and thus getting to a website
which contains the information they want and expect as a result of clicking
the link Bulk traffic purchases generally come from traffic exchange programs
where participants have to visit other sites just to earn credits for their
own site. They generally have no intention of buying anything, so it’s
best to save your money when it comes to buying bulk traffic.

Choosing the Wrong Products

If you choose what you think is a hot item, but it is one that doesn’t
interest you, you may be choosing the wrong product to promote. Most super affiliates
are really interested in what they are selling, and their enthusiasm shows.
Naturally you will put more marketing effort into products that appeal to you
than into ones that don’t. Then dig around and find out if they are in
demand, and if so, find a suitable affiliate program which promotes the product
and join it. Having said that, if your interest doesn’t have a market,
you could always find another product which does, do some extensive reading
on it, and you will probably get some enthusiasm, enough to motivate you to
start promoting it.

You need to really believe in what you are selling and you also need to check
it out before you market it. Make sure it is a product that you feel comfortable
about selling to other people. Perhaps buy the product yourself before you sign
up as an affiliate and see if it does deliver what it promises. Don’t
be afraid to check out the owner of the site, after all you are going to be
bringing them extra sales.

Don't choose products that pay low commissions. You will put in the same number
of hours and effort to sell 100 products at 2% commission as you would to sell
100 products at 40% commission.

Affiliate marketing can be one of the most powerful and affordable ways to
make money online but it won’t happen unless you have:

• a product you believe in

• a product that you know a lot about, and

• a reasonable amount of commission.

Do all this and you will make money online!

making opportunities

How to write good emails that get opened

Usual content of an email:

The Subject Line

Just like a headline on a web page or sales letter your subject line
is the most critical part of your email. It must immediately arouse
the recipient’s interest or your email won't even be opened. People
who get upwards of 200 emails a day probably only read 10% of them,
if that, so yours has to stand out from the crowd.

Make the subject line arouse the curiosity of the reader - use a free
benefit or ask a question. The only purpose of your subject is to get
the recipient to open the mail

The Body of the Email ---

Try not to write over long emails; if you have a lot to say, provide
readers with a link back to your site where people can read your whole
article and perhaps see more of your promotions. Likewise you should
not try to sell the product in the email. Explain the benefits of the
product you're promoting (but don’t be too specific), just enough
to spark his or her interest enough to get them to find out more by
visiting your sales page. Here are some phrases you can use:

• 'To find out more click this link'

• 'Find out how I can help you make more money online'

• 'Read more on this exciting development by clicking here . .
. '

Include a PS in your email, as studies have shown that the PS is the
second most read part of a letter after the headline so make sure you
re-state your benefit and ask for a call to action. The PS might also
get attention of those who just scrolled down to the end of your mail.

Writing good emails copy is an art form that needs to be learned. The
best way is to copy the emails that enticed you to open them; not word
for word of course, but still very much the same. The pros copy all
the time; they call it their swap file.

Other Ways of Marketing Your Product

Most marketers use the obvious tools to market their products, tools
like Google Adwords, email marketing, blogs, and article submission,
but there are other methods of affiliate marketing that may not be so

Coupons can be a very effective tool in reaching your targeted market,
and should be looked at to see if they are appropriate for selling your
products. By giving out free samples or discount coupons, you can gather
loyal customers who will first try your product for free or at least
a heavily discounted price. If you really want to make
money online
, using coupons is one method of getting return customers.

• If you are an affiliate, arrange with the product owner to
give you a coupon which you can send out to your list. If they don’t
use coupons, ask them to create a sales page with a special deal for
your subscribers.

• Helpful posting on online forums is another way to drive traffic
to your website by including a link to your site in your signature block.
Make sure you follow the rules of any forum and only post links in your
signature block once you have a few posts under your belt.

• Use free downloadable reports which have links back to your
site and your affiliate sites. Use links inside your reports if you
are directing readers to an affiliate program. These links can be tracked
so you'll see exactly how many links are being clicked from inside the

making opportunities

Getting Traffic Through Blogs

A blog is just a webpage that gets updated more regularly
than a site, usually on a daily basis. You need ever changing and relevant
material on your blog, to attract visitors and turn them into loyal

You can submit your blog to the many online blog directories. If you
submit to the blog directories under the proper category, and have interesting
content, you can reach many targeted prospects who will want to read
the latest post in your area of specialization.

Blogs can also promote a relationship with your readers because it allows them
to interact with you, by posting a comment on your own post. Your readers can
tell their friends about the great blog they’ve just found, and news of
your blog will grow virally. For example, if you have 1000 readers and each
one tells someone else, that will bring in another 1000 new readers..

Blogs will help you build traffic by getting the search engine spiders to visit
the site more often, because your content is changing, perhaps every day. Search
engines love changing content, especially on pages with content related keywords.

An advantage of a blog over a regular site is that there is no uploading of
pages to web host accounts, as blog postings are automatically hosted
for you at no cost. The big player in the blog hosting market is,
owned by Google. Also most sites will enable you to install Word Press
via your CPanel

All in all, Blogs are another resource you can use to make
money online

making opportunities

Purchasing Domain Names

Every website needs a domain name. It would be ideal if you can include
your keyword phrase in your domain name, for instance my domain name
which tells you exactly what my site is about. Luckily I managed to
acquire that name some years ago, when there were still some good dot
com names available. Now of course the good ones are all taken, and
if you want a good one like www.make
you may have to go to a domain broker - someone
who specializes in reselling domain names and pay market price for it.

It's important you think carefully about your domain name because having
the right one which relates to your business can play a big part in
your online success. It also looks good as a site address on Adwords,
and can add relevance to your SEO optimisation) efforts.

There are four basic steps to take to get a good brand name for your

Step #1: Choose a name that’s either your own name or that of
your product or service. This may not be so easy if you have a common
name, for instance my name, Peter Phillips, is the same as that of the
Queen’s grandson and that of a famous artist, so I’ve got
no hope of getting on the first page of Google under my own name. However
my wife has done it under her name Jennifer Kathleen Phillips. Also,
if you are in a competitive market like me, the name is probably already

Step #2: Next write out the keywords or keyword phrases (known as ‘longtail’
keywords) that relate to your niche. Once you have the list, remove
all those with more than twenty characters in them. Replace the spaces
between words with the "-" or "_" characters (as
I have done with You should now
have about ten possible domain names.

Step #3: Check that the domain is available by going to any domain
registrar and enter you list of possible domain names in order of preference.
Eliminate any names that are not available. When you’ve finished
finished, you should have a short list of available good domain names.

Step #4: Register your domain with a reliable domain registrar. You’ll
find everywhere, with varying prices, but pay the extra money for reliability,
because a registrar going out of business will be a nightmare for you.
I use Godaddy and Namecheap, as they have both been around for years,
and are very stable, with a good name

making opportuntiies

How To Choose A Good Topic For An Article

If you really want a topic to write on that will interest others, pay
attention to what is going on around you and determine what interests
you and other people. Think of any problems you may have recently had
and solved also other problems that others have had and solved. Any
problem that you have personally experienced and solved could easily
be translated into an interesting article or book. Chances are that
other people have had the same problem, and they would love to read
how someone else have solved the same problem they have.

So, have a think about any problems in your life and in the lives of
your friends and relatives. They do not necessarily have to be life
threatening problems, but they do have to be interesting ones to which
other people can relate. Has anyone lost their job lately? How did they
manage? Did it give them a new start in life, one which they may not
have considered while they had a steady job? While you're on the case,
think of other unsolved problems you have come across. Are there any
which are not yet solved? Good! People will really be interested in
those. Here are a few ideas:

• How can a middle aged sedentary male lose ten pounds?

• How do you fix the registry on a PC?

• What’s the quickest way to make money online?

• Has there been a teenage pregnancy in your family?

• How can you make
money online

• Do you know any money saving tips to cope with the ever-increasing
cost of living?

Answers to these questions problems would be great topics for your
articles or e-books. Remember, you don't have to know the answers yourself;
you can always hire someone else to research the topic and write the
book for you, or you can do your own research, using a search engine.
You can do an online search for just about anything.

Research the most popular books from Click on “best
sellers” – this will show what people are currently buying.
Choose a book preferably non-fiction, and perhaps do a paraphrase of
certain bits of it. Why non-fiction? Fiction readers tend to like physical
books with covers and pages. They like to read books by their favorite
authors – that’s why the books you see at an airport usually
have the author’s name in bolder type than the actual title if
the book. Of course fiction is difficult to write well, and you certainly
wouldn’t write an article of fiction. So stick with nonfiction
unless you're feeling particularly bold and experimental.

Nonfiction books such as self improvement or making extra money are
always popular, and will provide good topics for your article.

Don’t worry that you are breaching copyright by paraphrasing
parts of a book. Ideas are not copyrighted - copyright law only protects
the way in which ideas are expressed, so provided you have done a complete
rewrite, and have not copied book text outright, you will be safe. As
an example, compare the storyline of “West Side Story” with
that of “Romeo and Juliet”. The idea of both works is exactly
the same, yet they are completely separate works.

So, to summarize, find out what people are interested in, write about
it, and become a successful article writer!

Peter Phillips is an internet entrepreneur living in Canberra, Australia

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For all you need to get started in internet marketing:

Why you need advertising

If you want to make
money online
you have to do a lot of effective marketing. You may
not need a better product or a lower price than your competition in
order to make more money than they do. If you want to, you can make
a heap of money selling mediocre products, as long as you promote them
effectively. Of course, you wouldn’t do that; I just make the
point that marketing is really all that matters.

You need to be spending at least 90% or more of your time on promotion
to have any realistic hope of having a profitable online business. Don’t
spend too much time in building a pretty web site, as that in itself
doesn't help grow your business as much as advertising and marketing.

You need to decide if you are going to get some free advertising, or
pay for it. The quickest and most effective advertising is that which
you pay for; it takes a lot of free advertising to get any real results,
while an ad in Adwords will get you instant traffic.

Free advertising means using strategies like article marketing, which
can be very effective, but it will cost you a lot of time in writing
the articles. This is why the big players always outsource everything
– it frees up their time to do more marketing.

You need to focus on getting the best advertising you can for the least
possible cost.

If you could spend $500 a day on advertising in order to make $1,500
a day in profits without spending long hours doing it, why not just
do that? This is how Adwords arbitrage works. You can bid on Adwords
ads for as little as 25 cents, so that even if your campaign bombs you
won’t have lost too much. For that price you won’t get enough
traffic to make you rich, but if you have a saleable product it can
bring in some steady cash. Just make sure of course that your income
from sales always exceeds your Adwords cost.

Email Marketing

This is where you offer something that’s both free and attractive
at your site, and if your visitors want to claim their freebie, they
have to enter their name and email address on an opt-in form. They then
get a series of pre-scheduled and pre-written email messages. These
messages should offer valuable help and information about the subject
they were looking for when they originally got to your site.

A series of well-written emails will establish relationships with your
customers, and provides a valuable way of keeping your visitors long
after their first visit to your site. The best part is that once the
initial setup work is done, everything is completely automated and personalized
through your auto-responder.

Now that you have an opt-in email list you can send out newsletters
filled with even more helpful and current information and should also
include more freebies to insure they will be read. Naturally, links
to your site and your current offers will be prominently displayed.
In most cases you won’t even have to write the newsletter –
you just use someone else’s, as long as you leave their name and
site link intact.

Until your own opt-in email list is up and running, you can always
consider newsletter network advertising. This means that you pay email
newsletter management sites to run your ads across their network of

Email marketing can be immensely profitable, and it’s usually
the major income source of the big players. Just be careful that you

don’t try and sell something in every email, as this is a big
turn off. Use holidays to send an email wishing them a happy whatever,
together with a message that you hope they are doing well, and offering
to help them if they are not. People get bombarded with emails, and
yours needs to be one of the few ones that actually get read every time.

It’s important to get a good balance between your chatty emails
and your selling ones.

So, create a niche site, set up your autoresponder sequence, promote
it then move on to your next project.

Monday, September 29, 2008

How Do I Get Targeted Traffic?

If you are an affiliate promoting someone else's products you’ll have to try every means possible to get visitors to come to your site and hopefully click on your ads. But if you have your own product and your own team of affiliates, focus on recruiting as many as you can, encouraging them and giving them all they need to do your promotion for you. . While having your own product isn't critical, it will bring you more profits.

Ways to get visitors to your site

1. Search Engine Optimization.
A major source of traffic to any website is the search engines .People type in what they are looking for, and hopefully find your site. Therefore you must give the search engines what they are looking for. This includes links from other sites and page optimization.

2. Article marketing
This is the cheapest way (apart from your time) to get targeted visitors to visit your site. By getting your articles published in various e-zines and high PR article directories, you will generate traffic to your site.

3. Viral marketing techniques
This is offering a free e-book which contains links to your site, and can be branded by your affiliates and circulated with their links in it as well. They cannot change your link on the title page, nor can they put their name as the author.

4. Blogs and RSS
RSS feeds are another way to increase targeted traffic to your website. Get other sites to update their content by subscribing to an RSS feed from your site.

All these methods are means of branding yourself and getting your site noticed.
However there are still more.

1. Pay-Per-Click
PPC search engine programs like Google’s Adwords allow you to bid on keywords relating to your site topic. If your bid is successful, your ads will start showing up when someone searches for your keyword. You only pay when your ad is clicked on from the results of a search. I recommend that you do a lot of homework on Adwords before you leap in –you have the potential to go broke very quickly if you get lots of clicks but no sales. Enrol for a free course on Adwords before you start – I know Perry Marshall has got one, but I’m sure you could find some others. Who knows, if you can’t find exactly what you are looking for, there’s a new target market for you1

When bidding for a keyword in Adwords, don’t just concentrate on single keywords – they will probably be too expensive for you. Instead, focus on “long tail” keywords, which just means keyword phrases rather than single words. The easiest way to do this is to think of what someone trying to find your site topic is likely to type in when they do a search. Test them by doing your own searches, pretending to be someone looking for what you have to sell. The advantage of going for a keyword phrase instead of a single keyword is that if someone types in that exact phrase, they are far more targeted than those typing in a single keyword, and therefore much more likely to buy.

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There's More Than One Way To Make Money Online

The amount of money you can earn online without your own product is open to question. Undoubtedly, many of the top affiliate marketers are making lots of dollars, but a lot of them also market their own products.

Of course, having your own product is highly desirable, and there are several forms of product creation. One of the simplest ways is to get some PLR articles, which are really cheap, if not free, rewrite them and combine them into an e-book that you can sell on eBay for 99 cents. If you want to be a little more ambitious, get a software product that you bought and see if there is a way to improve it. Are you always saying to yourself “the product’s fine, but I wish I could ………). Then get a software programmer to quote on coding you some software which does exactly the same thing, but with your desired functionality included. Don’t be scared that it will be too expensive; there are lots of programmers outside the US who will do your work for a ridiculously low price.

The advantage of having your own product is obvious – you get to keep most the revenue instead of just an affiliate commission, but there may be downsides. If your product is not reliable, you will get a lot of calls for refunds, and your reputation will take a dive. You will also have the costs of promotion and the costs of the commissions which you are offering your affiliates.

Once you have your own product, there is no reason why you cannot set up your own affiliate program, which may not be as difficult as you may think. If you are already a successful affiliate marketer you will know what affiliates are looking for. Make sure you give them the tools you yourself look for in an affiliate program.

Here are the basic requirements to get started:

1. A professional looking web site with your own domain name.
2. At least one product that you own completely
3. Reliable shopping cart software to handle orders.
4. A tracking system to handle your affiliate database, commissions and payment.

All this sounds relatively easy. Websites and hosting are really cheap, just make sure that both are reliable and have been around a long time. Don’t go with someone selling you a hosting package through a reselling program. These kinds of packages are notorious for just shutting down without any notice, leaving you stranded with no site (and you probably didn’t take a backup!) and your affiliates fuming. You really can’t go past Godaddy for buying domains and Hostgator for hosting.

Now all you have to do is get the word out about your new product. Try and get someone with a large list to let their prospects know about your sensational new product. Offer both the promoter and your would-be affiliates an enticing commission, which will make them go the extra mile to promote your product over someone else’s.

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Mistakes to avoid as an affiliate

The main focus of all site owners wishing to make money online should be the promotion of their products.

One common mistake made by new affiliate marketers is to plaster their site with every conceivable affiliate program. You can create a site which promotes multiple products, but make sure they are compatible with each other

For example, if you' want to promote products for children, don’t have ads for the adult market on the same page. Not only is this silly marketing, Google will come down hard on you!

You’ve got to do everything you can to get people to not only visit your site but also to click on your ads to get to the websites of the whichever products you are promoting. You can use lots of ideas which you think might help you become a successful affiliate marketer but you must start with a professional looking website. If you don’t know how to build one, pay to get one done for you, or use some site building software like HyperVRE.

You will also need a reliable hosting account, with a hosting plan that will enable you to have multiple domains. For solid and dependable hosting, have a look at HostGator

Also make sure you automate the day to day tasks - use an Autoresponder to help with this.

Auto responders automate the process of replying to prospects who sign up at your site. As your business grows, you'll find your autoresponder will become indispensable, so get a quality service from the start. Aweber is the industry standard.

A good autoresponder can do lots of things to automate your affiliate marketing business. It can:

• Give prospects information and price lists
• Collect names and email addresses
• Send out regular free reports
• Direct people to a FAQ page
• Automate your article submissions
• Keep you in contact with your customers and let them know about new products.

Remember that success in affiliate marketing is not something that happens overnight. It takes time before the search engines index your URL and even then it will not bring you the amount of traffic you want. You will still need to promote your site by various means; Adwords, classified ads, newsletters and articles.

E-zine editors are always looking for fresh content, but they won't want to pay for any article you write. Your reward will be a small ad for your web page in the bio box at the end of the article. So try and spend a few hours every week writing articles so you can get a free plug for your web page.

This way you will quickly get your site indexed as well as increase traffic and hopefully some sales. Apart from your time, this can be a low cost and easy way to promote your site, so don't disregard it.

When you write the resource box for your article, include a link to your full url so that people can simply click on the link and go directly to your page instead of having to cut and paste the url into their web browser.

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How to make money online as an affiliate

It's still possible to earn a good income as an affiliate, despite the intense competition.
There are reportedly a number of affiliate marketers earning over six figures every year, but there are probably other affiliates earning even more than that, that we don't hear about. The only differences between you and them are that they have a huge email list and they have a well known name.

Even though affiliate marketing isn't quite the easy money making system that's going to earn you a fortune without any effort, there is still good money to be made if you know how to do it correctly. That means putting in the effort to get your big list, and branding yourself in the market.

You will have to get lots of traffic to your site. SEO optimization of your site will help, but this in itself will not help you much compared to off-site optimization, which basically means getting lots of links to your site on other sites. You can also pay for traffic through a traffic broker, or advertise your site.

Even having lots of traffic may not help you, as people will seldom buy a product on their first visit. You must have a means of contacting them again. You can do this by having a sign up form for a newsletter or some other freebie on your site: you must get that email address! Alternatively you could buy an email list, but make sure the list you buy is double opt-in, current, and relevant to your market.

All this is so you can have your own email list to which you can send future offers.
Continually sending offers to your own email list is the way to match the big boys and truly earn a comfortable income as an affiliate.

Essentials you will need:

The first and most important tool an affiliate marketer must have is his or her own website. You can get one of those generic affiliate sites that product owners publicise, but it’s best to alter it substantially, to differentiate it from all the other sites which your competition will not bother to change. Of course it’s even better if you have your own professional looking website which will attract prospects and motivate them to click on the links to the products you are promoting.

If you don’t know HTML, here are some site building resources:
Microsoft Front Page
Dream weaver (the one I use)
Nvu (free software)

The second tool you need is a sign up incentive.

In the world of affiliate marketing there will be thousands of other people selling the exact same product as you. Therefore you have to keep ahead of the competition to ensure that you get your slice of the market. This means that you will have to give out more incentives than others. Offer a newsletter or an e-zine to your prospects, together with as much free stuff as possible, to encourage them to subscribe to your newsletters. You can give them free software, free videos, and other freebies that will be entice your prospects to give you their email.

What you know and love is another important tool to use to make your website popular. One good way to do this - at zero cost apart from your time - is by submitting articles to article sites, preferably those with a high page rank.. You'll gain exposure for your name, and help with your search engine ranking by including a link back to your site in the bio box.

All this will help, but the primary thing is to make your website a place to which visitors will want to return, by constantly updating it with useful content.

People love articles that are interesting and helpful. Search engines love ever changing web pages. So, good quality content will not only keep visitors coming back; it can also get you a higher search engine ranking.

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Why do so many affiliates fail so miserably?

One of the great things about affiliate marketing is that it all seems a bit too easy: you don’t need a product, you don’t need a website, and it costs you nothing to join.

Newcomers often make the mistake of thinking that’s it’s easy money, and indeed it is, but it’s not that easy. One reason why affiliate marketing has survived and prospered is that it works. The problem is that it only works for a very few top affiliates.

Almost all the big players in internet marketing have an affiliate program of some sort: that’s probably how they became a big player. The important thing to remember is that affiliate marketing had become more sophisticated since the days of armies of affiliates all selling the same product.. Affiliates can really boost an online marketing campaign, but the marketer only wants active affiliates, and not the dead wood that most of his affiliates are.

So Why Do So Many Affiliate Marketers Fail So Miserably?

The biggest reason for failure is that affiliates do not treat it as a business. Because an affiliate program is free to join, it is easy to have the attitude that failure doesn’t matter too much because it hasn’t cost any money.

Those who look at affiliate marketing as a hobby will always fail. Remember there thousands of affiliates selling the same products, so the competition will be intense, so you will have to work harder than your competitors. But once you realize that the potential is there to change your life, you should be motivated enough to take serious action: you should not allow anything to distract you from your goal. If you treat affiliate marketing as a hobby you will only get 'hobby money', and quickly lose interest.

What are the advantages of affiliate marketing?

• For the product owner, affiliate marketing gives him a much larger market for their products and services. More affiliates selling his product will naturally lead to more customers and eventually more sales, especially if it is a niche product and the affiliate sites where their products are being advertised are places their target customers would usually visit. This way the product owner can potentially get lots of customers without spending valuable time and money in finding them. The ads on an affiliate website might interest visitors enough to make them click on the ad and thus reach his sales page.

• For the customers, they may find a product that they may not have known about if they had not visited the affiliate's website.

• For the affiliate marketer, the affiliate business has proved to be a relatively easy way to get additional revenue from their website. If the ads are compelling enough, they may generate enough sales to provide a healthy level of commissions. The affiliate can get that income from his website without having to invest in his own product and without having to worry about customer support or refunds. In affiliate marketing, the merchant takes care of all that, leaving the affiliate to concentrate on promoting the product.

What are the advantages of affiliate marketing?

Even though there seems to be advantages to merchants, customers and affiliate marketers, unfortunately there are also disadvantages.

• For the product owner, he may have the high maintenance costs that are associated with a large number of affiliates he also loses control over the way in which his product is advertised. An affiliate may use false advertising and make extravagant claims and promises, just to get his commission. When this happens, it is the product owner who has to deal with the complaints and refunds, and their product will get an undeserved bad reputation.

• For the affiliate marketer there is a risk that dishonest merchants will just close down programs without telling the affiliates or without paying commissions which are due. Some unscrupulous merchants attract new affiliates by promising high commissions, but once the affiliate has signed up, drastically cut the commission rates. Also, for some reason, some customers will just drop the affiliate ID on the url, and just go straight to the product owner’s sales page, thus denying the affiliate his proper commission For this reason, never put the url with your affiliate ID where the customer can see it: always direct your ad clicks to another page on your own site..

However, don’t let the disadvantages of affiliate marketing outweigh the many advantages. It is still one of the best ways to make money online.

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What is an affiliate?

Being an affiliate is just the same thing as a person paying finder's-fees for bringing in new customers to a business, and the finder gets paid a commission on any sale which eventuates from the leads he brings. There are some businesses which will pay commissions just for the leads, but the vast majority will only pay per sale.

For the business owner, the obvious advantage is that he does not have a regular salary bill to pay for his agents, and that any payment he does have to make comes out of money he has already made from the sale. In this way he can have as many affiliates as he wants. In the internet marketing business this is usually the case – a product owner will usually have hundreds, if not thousands of affiliates to sell his product as he knows that only a very small proportion of those affiliates will ever make any sales. People will become an affiliate because it is free to do so, and they hope that in some way they will make some money, but this is rarely the case.

Most affiliates just put a link on their site and hope that a visitor clicks on it and subsequently buys the product. If this happens, he will receive the prescribed commission for the sale.

Too many people just starting out in affiliate marketing fail to promote the products properly and thus fail to make any money at all.

Four steps to affiliate success

Step #1: Do some extensive research and find out all you can about affiliate marketing. What are the best products to sell? What’s hot at the moment? Do you go for high commission on fewer sales or more volume bit lower commission?

. Step #2: Take your time to absorb this new information, put into practice what you have learned and you will have a great advantage over 99% of other affiliates..

Step #3: Just make sure you use it. Even the very best information is useless if you never use it. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, and don’t give up at the first hurdle. Remember there are many successful affiliates out there, and what do they know that you don’t? The only difference between you and them is that they have been around a lot longer, and have had time to accumulate a large list of email addresses. Then all they have to do is send out a bulk email and hope for around a 4% response rate. It doesn’t take much marketing skill to do that.

Step #4: Test, test and test again, it is a never ending story. If you are not having any success, try something different. Change your means of promotion, try article marketing, try Adwords, try classified ads in your local newspaper, post on forums. Keep trying until you find something that works. As long as you have established that people are actually buying the product you are trying to sell from other affiliates there should be no reason why you cannot get your slice of the action.

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Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated

Google is unquestionably the top player in the search engines, and also the only one with the Adsense program. As a result it can dictate virtually any terms that it likes, and it is up to the site owner to abide by those terms or suffer the consequence of getting all their sites banned.

Google will not allow the placing of Adsense on any site which may reflect badly upon the Google name, sites such as those of an adult or gambling nature. Google places extreme importance on the quality of the site content, and sets out the rules in its terms of sale.

Therefore, if you breach those terms, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you run the risk of having your site a banned, your Adsense account terminated and your Adsense earnings cancelled. Google can do all this unilaterally, and it is up to you to put up a defense after the event.

So if you are thinking of getting into the Adsense program for some easy money, do not think solely about how to generate the maximum earnings. Consider if the techniques you are thinking of putting into practice will incur the wrath of Google.

Hidden texts
You cannot make the any text on your page the same color as the page background, thereby making it invisible to the human eye, but readable by the search engines.

Page cloaking
Page cloaking is a technique using special cloaking scripts which brings up different web pages depending upon different circumstances. It allows site owners to create completely separate web pages, one for the each search engine, which is heavily optimized with keywords, and another for human visitors. When a search engine spider goes to a site, it gets the page which has been optimized for that search engine, probably by an excessive repetition of keywords. When a human visits a site, they see the other page.

This is very similar to cloaking pages. It uses a page loaded with excessive keywords whose sole purpose is to redirect visitors to another page which is tailored towards human visitors.

Links to and from your site
Just as you have to be careful that your site doesn’t breach the Google terms of sale, you have to be equally careful that any site you link to, or which links back to you does not breach those terms.

Selling a page rank
Page rank is a score allocated by Google on the relative importance of a page (in Google’s opinion). A good page ranking is usually achieved by the site owner doing a lot of work, gradually building up his site by the use of site promotion. Stay away from any commercial trafficking in page rank.


Having multiple domains, all with the same content
This is just being lazy on the part of the site owner. To save all the work involved in maintaining lots of pages, he only has one real page, and all his other domains and sub domains point to it.

All these techniques are easily picked up by Google, and also by other search engines. If you concentrate on having pages for human user and not for search engine spiders, you ca pretty much guard against. Having your site blacklisted by Google.


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How to Get More Revenue From Adsense

Many are now realizing the potential to get good money from the effective use of Adsense. If you are getting money from the ads on one page or site, imagine getting the same click through rate on every page of every site you own. You may find it possible to get an amount of money which will give you an acceptable monthly income with very little effort apart from the initial set up work.

Google Adsense provides that potential by allowing site owners the opportunity to display relevant Google ads on their website pages and effortlessly earn a few dollars or more in the process. The ads which will be displayed on your site will relate to your page content, which is presumably what drove visitors to your site in the first place.

Exactly how much you will be earning will depend on how good a job you’ve done in monetizing your site, with proper keyword research and optimum ad placement on your page, and the amount the advertisers have bid for that ad in their Adwords campaign.. If the ads which appear on your page are in high demand, you will receive a lot more dollars per click than low demand ads, which will only earn you a few cents per click.

Steps to take to start getting a slice of the Adsense action

1. Sign up for an Adsense account at It should only take a few moments to fill out the particulars and submit your site to Google.

2. Once your site has been accepted by Google, log into your account, customize your ad format, and copy/paste the given block of HTML code into your website. You can insert this code into as many pages or web sites that you want without re-applying... The Adsense ads will start appearing on your pages shortly afterwards.

3. You will start earning a few cents or perhaps some dollars per click when a visitor clicks on any ad shown on any of your web pages. Don’t try to cheat the Google system by clicking on your own ads. This practice will quickly get picked up by the Google algorithm, and will result in your Adsense ID being cancelled. You may even lose the money you have already earned, so the risks are too high to engage in cheating practices.

4. Check your earnings by logging into your web site account. and downloading the reports for the period you require.

Once your account is working, you will want to see if you can improve your earnings to the same level as your competitors, who may be earning a lot more money than you. It is important to note that there are various factors which you can control which will affect the amount of money you are earning.

1. Choose just one topic per page. It is best to write the content for your page using just a few well targeted phrases, all on the same topic. The search engine will then only publish ads that are exactly relevant to the page, hopefully resulting in a higher click through rate.

2. Discard any border from around your ad, which will make it blend into the rest of your page. Visitors can usually spot ads a mile away and will generally avoid clicking on them unless they have a particularly enticing phrase. Google gives you a choice of colors you can use, which can make the color of your ad blend in with the color of your web page.

3. Keep testing your ad formats and placements. Obviously you would use the skyscraper format if you have a vertical space on the side of your page in order to get more clicks. Try different formats and positions for a while, and see if those alterations give you better results.

4. Make your page subject intensive by making pages that focus directly on your keyword phrases. This way your pages will be optimized for the search engines and attract interested traffic. It will also make your ads more relevant to your page topic.

5. Get a site creating software product which has all the necessary tools to quickly create a keyword-rich site which should rank highly in the search engines (The one I use is on my money-making site in my bio box). This will also produce a flood of highly targeted visitors to your site.

Site owners know that Adsense can generate a source of extra income if it is placed on a page with high paying keywords. They have the right tools to identify what those keywords are and have used them effectively on their pages. Even so, do not expect a torrent of dollars coming your way from Adsense, but remember that however little you get it is easy money for no work, which sounds pretty good to me.

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5 Ways To Improve Your Adsense Earnings

Adsense. There is always more money in contacting advertisers directly and inviting them to put their ads on your site for a fee, but there is a fair amount of work in doing that, while Adsense, once set up properly requires minimum maintenance to earn a few dollars a day from a site or sites. Some site owners are getting hundreds of dollars a day from the Adsense ads they have placed on their websites. So what are these people doing differently from the rest?

Here are 5 time tested ways on how to maximize your Adsense earnings.

1. In the first instance try concentrating on just one Adsense ad format. One format which seems to work well for the most people is the Large Rectangle (336X280) format, which seems to translate into a click-through rate. Of course, if you are doing your testing of ads by using Google channels, and finding that the click-through rates are low, by all means change to a different format and see how that goes..

2. Try to choose a color integrates well with the general color scheme of your site. If your site has a white background, take out the default blue borders of the ad format. The general idea is to make the Adsense look like it is part of the page content. This technique should result in more clicks from people visiting your site. However, do not try to be too sneaky in disguising your ads, as you may be violating the Google terms of sale, and your Adsense ID will be deactivated, which means that you cannot have Adsense on any of your sites, not just the one which has caused the violation.

3. Don’t put Adsense “below the fold” so that people have to scroll down to see them. Put them at the top, ideally at top left, where .people can see them as soon as they hit your landing page .Sometimes earnings can be greatly increased just by changing the position of your ads.

4. Try to get links to relevant websites. One way links if possible, but reciprocal links will do. Remember Adsense does look at the relevance of your links, so if you have a site on baby care, don’t link to a site selling used cars.

5. See if your server supports SSI (server side included). SSL just means that you can save your Adsense code in a text file, upload it to your root directory, and, by using SSI, retrieve the code from other pages within your site. Means that you can change your Adsense format once (in the text file), and it will automatically change the format on every page. If your site is in the php format, you will be able to do this anyway, by changing the relevant file in the “include” folder.

These are some of the tips that have worked well in the past. It is also important to make sure that the ads are which displayed fit the interest of the visitors viewing the page and focus on a topic that persons will be already be viewing, i.e. the content of your web page.

Note that there will be plenty of competition for the same keywords as you, so you must do something different and make your returns better than everyone else’s.

These tips are just basic guidelines for you to implement on your site. If they have worked well for other site owners, then perhaps they can work well for you At least give them a try and see if they bring any increase in your current earnings from Adsense.

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How To Start Making Money With Adsense

Adsense used to be considered as one of the great tools in website monetization, and easy and painless way to earn some serious cash. If it is used properly, it can still generate some useful income, if not at the levels of some years ago. However if you are not maximizing the income you can earn from having Adsense ads on your site, you could be leaving a fair few dollars on the table.

It is amazingly easy to start earning money with Adsense, and if you do a little site promotion you should start seeing results pretty much right away.

There are three things you need to consider before you begin doing your promotion and having an effective Adsense campaign.

Keyword research.
Find some popular subjects, keywords or phrases. You can get these from the Amazon best seller list, eBay pulse, or even Google itself. I actually use a great tool which I purchased, which tells me how many people are searching for my phrase, how many other sites are targeting that phrase, and the strength of my competition.. You’ll find a link to it on the money-making opportunities site in my bio box.

Writing articles.
Start by writing, or getting written for you, some quality content articles which incorporate some good If writing comes easily to you, then make it work to your advantage by perhaps generating some extra cash while you’re doing it. As mentioned previously, if you don’t have the writing talent, there are plenty that do and will write articles for you at very reasonable rates. Just do a search to find them.
Build a quality content site.
You should build a quality content site which effectively incorporates the Adsense ads which target the subject and keywords of your site page. If you’ve done your research well, and used those keyword phrases in your page header and about three or four times in your page content you should start to see some small returns coming your way. Then it becomes a matter of testing and refining your ads to see what works and what doesn’t.

This could be something as simple as knowing where to put your ads. Try to put them where visitors are most likely to see them and click on them. People tend to look at the top left of a page first, and it is good to remember that the search engines will also read your page from top left to bottom right.. In any case, make sure your ads are visible on the page when it opens up; don’t hide them where the visitor has to scroll down to see them.

If you are just starting out, you may think you are doing well with your earnings, especially when you don’t have to do any actual work to get that income. However, there are some techniques and styles you can use to generate more clicks and therefore generate more earnings. As we have seen, putting the ads at top left is one of them; another is to incorporate them in your article. The one line ads are good for this, as they are not too obtrusive. Make your ads blend in, by using different color schemes, ones that are compatible with the general color theme of your page. Your overriding objective is to make your ads not too obvious.

Finally, Adsense itself has some excellent tracking methods called channels, which let site owners track their results from different sites or even different pages within a site. Just be a little wary of comparing sites, as it may be the popularity of the site which is getting the clicks, rather than the placement of the ads. Nevertheless, you should be aware of this capability and by fine tuning your ads you will be able to see which ones are performing the best. Then try to figure out why those ads are doing better, and apply what you learn to the lesser ads.

Sometimes the kinds of ads you are using are constrained by your page layout. For instance you may have a space down the side margin, where a skyscraper ad block is the only viable option. However, if you find out through your channel set up that this style of ad is not working, perhaps it is time to change your page layout to incorporate the styles of ads you want, rather than the other way round.

Don’t just upload your site, put on some Adsense and think you have finished. Making money is a business, not a hobby, so you should always spend some time, perhaps an hour a day, tweaking the Adsense ads on your sites to continually improve your earnings.

Always remember that whatever money you make, however small, is earned with the minimum of effort on your part, so that even if it is a small amount a day, it is still better than nothing. Also, if you have lots of sites, that small amount each day may add up to a reasonable daily return, but of course you will then have to spend more time to promote all those extra sites.

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How to best use Adsense

It already seems a long while ago that Google Adsense was the flavor of the month throughout the world of internet marketing. There were tales of great wealth to be made just by putting up lots of sites and filling them with Adsense. It was at one time considered one of the easiest ways of making money online.

However, many have found that despite putting up hundreds of sites, their Adsense income is only reaching a few dollars a day, if that. So what happened?

You have to remember that Adsense is primarily for the benefit of the advertisers, not the webmasters who put the ads on their sites. Therefore, Google will always place the advertiser first when looking at sites on which Adsense is displayed. Google now comes down hard on sites that are put up solely to get income for the site owner, with no real content apart from the ads. With some webmasters trying sneaky methods to make the maximum amount of money from their Adsense, and making Adsense the focus of their site rather than the content, it is not surprising that Google is continually looking to improve their image.

For this reason, Google has changed the rules since those early days, and many webmasters saw their Adsense earnings decimated. Also site visitors are a lot more knowledgeable these days, and they are a lot less inclined to click on ads than they once were.

All these things have conspired to drive the earnings from Adsense downwards. So, is there any money still to be made from Adsense?

The key to making money online with Adsense is the placing of ads for high paying keywords on pages that are receiving high traffic. The more expensive the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more money you will receive. Therefore do not target low cost-per-click keywords or place your ads on pages which do not receive a high traffic count.

There are three major ways that site owners are now using to make money from using Adsense.

1. Getting a high traffic count. Check on your logs to see if your promotional activities are resulting in more visits to your site. More traffic generally means more clicks, and therefore more money for you.

2. Seamlessly integrating the ads into the general content of the page. An example is to make the Adsense block of ads look like it is part of the sitemap menu, using the same colors and similar format.

3. Making sure that the Adsense ads are relevant to the page content by making your header tag relevant to the content.

When done well, these three factors should produce the maximum amount of revenue from a page. This strategy works well on sites that focus on good relevant content for their visitors.

One other particularly good money-making feature of the new Adsense is the ability to put filters on up to 200 urls. This means that webmasters can block out low value keywords from their pages. And take only those ads that pay well while discarding the rest.

So, there is still reasonable money to be made in Adsense, but not perhaps the six figure incomes that some marketers were claiming in the early days, but webmasters must ensure that they comply with all the ever changing guidelines that Google is producing for Adsense, or they run the risk of having their Adsense account suspended.

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3 Reasons Why You Should Have Adsense On Your Site

To get the best out of Adsense for your site, you first need to know how Adsense works.

What happens is that the site owner inserts a portion of java script supplied by Google onto a page of his site. Each time a visitor lands on that page, the java script will read what the page is about, and pull relevant advertisements from the Adsense database.

The ads should therefore be targeted to the content on the web page where the ad resides. Because it is relevant to the search tem the visitor used to get to the page, it may encourage the visitor to click on an ad to find out more. If a visitor clicks on an ad, the webmaster earns a percentage of cost-per-click amount that the advertiser is paying Google.

The beauty of this system is that it’s the search engine which gets the ads from its database and handles the payment to the site owner automatically. The webmasters don’t have to find advertisers willing to put an ad on their site, collect payment, and check all the clicks. All this is done automatically. Of course the returns per ad on much lower than if there was a dedicated ad on the page paying a set amount each month, but there is no work involved on the part of the site owner.

It would be very rare that a relevant ad for a site could not be found in the Google Adsense database. In these rare instances Adsense will supply public service ads. If a site is getting these ads on a regular basis it is past time that a review is made of the page’s header and content, or else take Adsense off that page altogether.

One reason why Adsense had become so successful is that it understands the needs of both advertisers and webmasters. It allows different types of ads, such as skyscraper ads, block text ads, one line ads, allowing site owners to choose the type of text ad format which best fits their page layout.

If the ads are integrated into the page layout as seamlessly as possible they may give the possibility of more than one click from visitors who may not be aware that what they are clicking on is in fact an ad. The ads should encourage visitors to do further investigation on their subject because the wording of the ad intrigues them Thus the site owner makes a bit of money and the advertiser gets a visitor to his site.

Adsense publishers can now track not only how much they are making from their sites in total, but also which of their ad placements are the most profitable through the use of channels chosen by the site owner himself. They can get customizable reports from Adsense by url, domain, ad type or category They can get the total number of hits to a page, the total clicks and click through rates, enabling them to adjust ads and pages in order to maximize revenue.

Advertisers can see the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites because it increases the possibility that the visitor to the site will also have an interest in what they have to offer.

Adsense is all about the ads being relevant to the page content, and the more targeted your content and headers are to what the page is actually about, the more targeted will be the Adsense, and the more the benefits to both the site owner and the advertiser.

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5 Quick Tips For Good Website Development

Your website needs to stand out from all the other competing websites in your niche, so you should pay specific attention to the small details which will ensure that your site will be the one that entices people to stay and find out more. Here are some important things to remember to make sure your website outperforms the others.

1) Don’t make your landing page too showy.

Landing pages are the very first pages you see when you arrive at a website. They often have lots of pretty graphics and a vacuous message like "Welcome to our website" or "Click here to learn more". These pages serve no real purpose, as visitors want real information within the first few seconds of arriving at a website. Show them what you have to offer them right up front on your landing page.

2) Don’t litter your pages with banner advertisements

People are weary of banners, and if there are a lot of them they will pay no notice to any of them and move on to somewhere else, probably off your site. Banners take up lots of room on your page, room which could be better utilised in providing more valuable content with text ads like Adsense and Kontera, or affiliate links artfully inserted into your content. Make your visitors feel that they want to know more and that they are not being blatantly pressured to click on your ads.

3) Have clear navigation links in an obvious position

You must provide an uncluttered navigation menu, preferably on the left hand side of the page. Don’t have too many items on it, or lots of dropdown menus. The visitor needs to quickly sum up whether there is anything of interest on your site, so give them limited options that they can take in at a glance.

4) Let the visitor know where he is at all times

We have all been guilty of surfing the net, finding something of interest which leads to another page, and then finding something else which leads to another page. Before you know it we have completely forgotten how we got to where we are. If you do have multiple pages on your site, make sure the “Home” button is prominently displayed in the same place on every page.

5) Try not to use audio on your site

You want to encourage visitors to stay on your site for as long as possible. If you have audio, it can become really irritating, especially if it is a blatant sales message, and it distracts you from the words you trying to read. Rather than turn off the speakers, the visitor is much more likely to just click away from your site. If you must have audio, make sure there are volume or muting adjustments, but it seems to me that if visitors actually exercise the volume control options there doesn’t seem to be much point in having audio in the first place. A much better option is video, because then you have the visitor’s full attention – he’s not trying to look at something else while listening to your sales message.

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