Sunday, September 28, 2008

How To Avoid Getting Your Adsense Account Terminated

Google is unquestionably the top player in the search engines, and also the only one with the Adsense program. As a result it can dictate virtually any terms that it likes, and it is up to the site owner to abide by those terms or suffer the consequence of getting all their sites banned.

Google will not allow the placing of Adsense on any site which may reflect badly upon the Google name, sites such as those of an adult or gambling nature. Google places extreme importance on the quality of the site content, and sets out the rules in its terms of sale.

Therefore, if you breach those terms, whether intentionally or unintentionally, you run the risk of having your site a banned, your Adsense account terminated and your Adsense earnings cancelled. Google can do all this unilaterally, and it is up to you to put up a defense after the event.

So if you are thinking of getting into the Adsense program for some easy money, do not think solely about how to generate the maximum earnings. Consider if the techniques you are thinking of putting into practice will incur the wrath of Google.

Hidden texts
You cannot make the any text on your page the same color as the page background, thereby making it invisible to the human eye, but readable by the search engines.

Page cloaking
Page cloaking is a technique using special cloaking scripts which brings up different web pages depending upon different circumstances. It allows site owners to create completely separate web pages, one for the each search engine, which is heavily optimized with keywords, and another for human visitors. When a search engine spider goes to a site, it gets the page which has been optimized for that search engine, probably by an excessive repetition of keywords. When a human visits a site, they see the other page.

This is very similar to cloaking pages. It uses a page loaded with excessive keywords whose sole purpose is to redirect visitors to another page which is tailored towards human visitors.

Links to and from your site
Just as you have to be careful that your site doesn’t breach the Google terms of sale, you have to be equally careful that any site you link to, or which links back to you does not breach those terms.

Selling a page rank
Page rank is a score allocated by Google on the relative importance of a page (in Google’s opinion). A good page ranking is usually achieved by the site owner doing a lot of work, gradually building up his site by the use of site promotion. Stay away from any commercial trafficking in page rank.


Having multiple domains, all with the same content
This is just being lazy on the part of the site owner. To save all the work involved in maintaining lots of pages, he only has one real page, and all his other domains and sub domains point to it.

All these techniques are easily picked up by Google, and also by other search engines. If you concentrate on having pages for human user and not for search engine spiders, you ca pretty much guard against. Having your site blacklisted by Google.


money making opportunities

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