Saturday, September 25, 2010

Don't treat your customers like an ATM!

I love this post from Scott Murdaugh:(

"Just don't fall into the trap of thinking your subscribers are an
ATM machine with your only goal being extracting as much cash as
possible and then leaving them out to dry.

Every subscriber you have is a real person. And you're lucky to
have every single one of them. Because they're taking time out of
their busy days to let you into their world."


Canberra marketing
Melbourne audiovisual

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Use different colors in your blog

Test different web site color themes to see which combination will sell your product better. You can also test the size and style of your web site text.

For example, red usually signals: stop, anger, excitement,love, sex, fun, etc. Another example, blue usually signals: relaxation, authority, coolness, etc.
Links back to my sites:

money making opportunities
Canberra marketing
Melbourne audio visual

Monday, September 20, 2010

Add heaps of bonuses

Make your products sell quickly by adding a lot
of bonuses. You could get the free bonuses for little
or no cost by joint venturing with other businesses.
You could go to the “freebies” directories and find
things. Then you could ask the legal owner’s
permission to use the item as a free bonus for your

money making opportunities
Canberra marketing

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Information Overload Sucks.

Your body is numb, your brain is dull, and it never seems to end.

One more report, one more course, one more "magic bullet" and then all of life's secrets and treasures will show themselves.

Problem is .. that isn't going to happen.

In fact, the gurus don't want it to happen.

They ( the gurus) love the in fact you're drowning in a sea of information.


Because if you can't see the forest from the trees or which way is up or down you have to look towards them for "salvation."

Of course salvation comes with a $1999 price tag right?

Well I stopped reaching for them to help me months ago.

In fact I took the problem of information overload and confronted it head on.

Not without a little help of course.

The results?

Crystal clear sky and thinking. I've got a plan, I've got a direction, and I've got a purpose.

Best of all I'm still crushing it income wise.

Last month I did 5 figures even though I was on vacation for 13 days out of that month.

My friend called the other day and then shot me an email after our talk remarking how relaxed I was.

The secret?

David Vallieres

Who is that you're asking?

Well according to James Jones he is one of the fathers of internet marketing.

Back when he did it full time he made Boatloads of cash. He is doing stock investing now but before he retired from internet marketing he put all his products up for sale.

Most of them are a little outdated but there was one that struck a cord with me.

It's called Unstuck and basically it is a 7 week long training program that helps you really focus on your goals, dreams, and what you want to accomplish. Then it helps you lay out a plan for accomplishing it.

No it's not sexy like make a million dollars in 2 minutes or less while sleeping - but do you really believe that crap anyway?

At any rate people are still selling this course today for big bucks. This person DO NOT BUY (

) DO NOT BUY is selling it for $97 and they were the cheapest I could find (one guy is selling it for $497 bucks)

Screw that!

With some major muscle and negotiation power I landed the rights to this course.

Again I've personally gone through it an have seen the results in my own business.

Being that it's Friday I want to offer you the chance to go through the entire program for 90% off what others are charging.

You'll get instant & lifetime access to the 7 week training for just $9.95 (not a typo)

Fancy sales letter here -->

Here is what you get:

- Access to 7 weeks of video training from Dave himself. Again these videos are a few years old but the content is still awesome.

- You'll also get the MP3 audios of the training for you to download each and every week.

- In addition you get a "cheat sheet" every week of the main talking points of the training.

I really wanted to charge more for this but before I do, I wanted some people to give me open and honest feedback about the program.

That is where you come in.

In exchange for you checking out this great program I am giving you 90% off.

Check it out here -->

Like all my weekend offers this is only good until Monday, September 6th at 11pm central standard US time.

I know most of you have a long weekend ahead (Labor Day) so this would be the perfect time for you to set your goals to ensure that next Labor Day you're working for yourself, have a clear sense of direction and a purpose to focus on.

Check it out and experience what some direction and clarity will do for you.

Fancy sales letter here -->

Talk soon.

Thanks to Tim Castleman for this great post.

Friday, September 03, 2010

Is a Home Business Right For You?

Copyright © Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy

Every morning as people wake up and make the commute to work,
many dream of the day when they will finally work for
themselves. Every time the boss lets someone know that they must
give up their weekend plans for the good of the company, people
contemplate the benefits of being the owner of their own

Are you one of these people?

If you are, it is important to ask yourself some very important
questions before you make the uncertain leap into

Many dream of the benefits of home business ownership, but few
take into account the sacrifices that must be made to bring the
dream to fruition. Please don`t make this mistake yourself.

You must approach home business ownership with your eyes wide
open. Ask yourself the important questions, and more
importantly, answer your own questions openly and honestly.


Are you the type of person who relishes every chance to gather
around the water cooler for social interaction?

If so, then home business ownership may not be the right
decision for you.

Instead, if you feel that you can be quite content sitting alone
at your desk; speaking only to clients and really minding your
own home business, then you might have what it takes to succeed
as a home business entrepreneur.

If you feel at ease with your own company and don`t need a dozen
coworkers milling around your desk, then you, too, could savor
the freedoms that will allow you and your family, to live the
lifestyle you know you want and deserve.


Self-motivation is the key to success when you start a
home-based business. You need to possess the ability to push
yourself ahead. Your drive and determination will be reinforced
with every new sale.

The level of success that you will achieve greatly depends on
the time and effort you are willing to plow into your new home
business. Your organization, planning and marketing skills, will
all be put into practice when you embark on your liberating
journey from employee, to being your own boss. In fact, you will
be the wearer of many hats and gain a wealth of business
experience along the way, when you finally make that commitment
to work at home.


You will now be the boss. Are you truly able to work
independently? Do you have the drive; the tenacity, to persevere
with your home based business? Will you be able to invest the
necessary time to nurture it, to watch it grow and see it
through, from germination to full, glorious bloom? When you`re
the boss, you are responsible for the success of your home
business, from A to Z, from disappointments to victory.

When you work at home, it will empower you to achieve many
things you were unable to do when you were stuck working for
that tyrant boss. Remember him? He`s the guy that wouldn`t let
you take time off when your baby was sick...the same guy that
called you in to work on a public holiday.

A home business means that you can take good care of your family
and make money from home, simultaneously. You will have the best
of both worlds! Just think--no more dirty laundry piling up--you
can do it while you work. No more scurrying around at the last
minute searching for a babysitter either. And no more worrying
about getting fired; you`ll be the boss!


Stay positive and focused on your home based business, even if,
when sales aren`t up to par, you get occasional negative remarks
or derogatory comments from people with stuffy, dead-end jobs.
Ignore their cutting words and bear in mind that success is the
best revenge! Keep your admirable, positive attitude at the
forefront and show them what you`re made of!

About Stone Evans, The Home Biz Guy:

What's a blog carnival?

I'd never heard of this before today, but now I know.
Blog carnivals - a new online community

This is me, blogmaster at Blog Carnival is an innovative concept in an online community. There are zillions of blogs, all with various articles on all sorts of topics. A typical blog carnivals will collect links pointing to blog articles on a certain topic. A Blog Carnival is a bit like a magazine, in tt has a title, a topic, editors, contributors, and a receptive audience. Editions of the carnival are published at regular intervalss (e.g. every week, or oevery month). Each one is a special blog article that consists of links to all the contributions that have been submitted, together with the editor's opinions.

There is so much stuff in the blogosphere, it's getting harder to find what you want, so if there is a carnival on a topic you are interested in, following that carnival is a great way to learn what bloggers are saying about your interest. If you are blogging on that topic, the carnival is the place where you can share your blog with like-minded bloggers.

The easy way to submit to a blog carnival is by using an automatic submitter, such as: Carnival Submitter

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Persuade e-zine publishers or webmasters to run your ad for free

Just allow them to join your affiliate program and earn commission on the sales. You could also offer the product you’re selling for free, in return for an advertisement in the e-zine etc. It also helps to compliment the publishers as well as praising their e-zines.

Brought to you by money making opportunities

Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Make it easy for your affiliates to make sales.

Make it easy for your affiliates to make sales.

Give them proven ads to use, make it easy for prospects to order and provide helpful affiliate statistics.

Affiliates hor money making opportunities want high or fair commissions, notification of sales, lifetime income, residual income, a good tracking system and professional training.