Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Curiosity only kills the cat!

Make your visitors curious about your product

by telling them they need to sign up to get into a

password protected site to read the rest of the ad.

This will give your product extra perceived value

because it is so well guarded. Just like a diamond in

a bank vault.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Offer your freebie to freebie sites

When you offer a freebie from your site, submit

it to freebie sites. They provide target categories

which mean targeted traffic. So if you're submitting

software, you could submit it to the "free software"

section. Just remember, some freebie sites want you

to link to their web site before they will list your

freebie submission.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Create alliances

Create an alliance with a few web sites. Exchange

your ads or banners with the other web sites.

You will all share your targetted traffic with each other.

For example, you would instantly have 3 or 4 web sites

selling for you without paying them.

You would only be giving them ad space on your

web site.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Try out new business opportunities.

Try out new business opportunities. You could

combine them with your current business. It could

add an extra profit stream to your web site. You

could join affiliate programs, MLMs, drop ship

selling programs, etc. Another idea would be to joint

venture with other businesses.

Create an alliance with 3 or 4 web sites. Include

each of your ads or banners on the other web sites.

You will all share targeted traffic with each other.

For example, you would instantly have 3 web sites

selling for you without paying them an affiliate income.

You would just be giving them ad space on your

web site.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Do it yourself or outsource?

Take on as many of your business' chores as you

can handle; outsource what you can't. Only you can

determine how your business operates. You don't

want too many people making all your decisions,

but you don't want to take on so much responsibility

that you become a workaholic.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Sell back end products

Sell some back-end products that are not related

to your main product but are always needed by everyone.

Every customer that buys from you is human. Think

about it - everyone eats, right? For example, you

could say, "Free Bonus 1# A Free $30 Dollar

Coupon To The Restaurant Of Your Choice!"