Saturday, January 09, 2010

Do You Need a License?

Did you know that there are lots of home businesses that are very strictly regulated by the government? Unfortunately the busybodies of government bureaucracy have invaded every facet of our lives, so the array of money making opporunities working from home are somewhat diminished.

One lady who was a good baker thought she would sell some biscuits from her house. Of course, that didn't last long after the health inspector heard about it.

So, if you think you've got an idea that’s going to make a bit of money, there could be a reason why someone else isn't doing it and that reason could be related to some regulation.

In the example above, if you are going to sell food, you will need a license and register for hygiene and safety inspections, not to mention health and safety issues. Most local government agencies are especially strict if you plan to handle food. On the other hand, food licenses aren't that hard to get as long as you are willing to have your kitchen and products regularly inspected.

An at home day-care centre also needs a license, and you have to jump through a lot of hoops to get one. There’s always a shortage of in home childcare providers it’s because it’s just too hard to keep up with all the rules.

If you want to try gambling and alcohol, forget them. You will never get a licence.

Anything medical will obviously does need a license. You don’t want unqualified people providing these services from home. Of course, if you've previously been a doctor or dentist, and want to semi-retire, then it shouldn’t be too hard to get a licence to work from home.

I think hairdressing from home should be O.K. as long as your neighbourhood isn’t disrupted by too many cars outside your house. You will have to check the local by-laws.

This list just covers some of the most common businesses that need licensing. The best idea is to check your local laws and make sure your home business is properly licensed.


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