Wednesday, May 16, 2012

How to make sure that perfect "opportunity" isn't a scam

Hi Peter,

We routinely get letters from subscribers telling us similar stories: they spent several thousand dollars purchasing an affiliate website, and so far have made a grand total of zero!

The reality is that there are a lot of shady companies out there who are happy to take your money in exchange for a website that just doesn't work. Or they'll try to make you pay for the privilege of promoting their products... knowing full well the market for those products is completely saturated.

So when you're starting out online, your main challenge is to learn as soon as possible how to identify a profitable online business opportunity -- and how to recognize the ones that are borderline scams whose only purpose is to line someone else's pockets with your hard-earned money.

To help you with that, today we'd like to share our top seven questions you need to ask when evaluating a possible online business opportunity, so you can determine whether the opportunity is going to make you good money or drain your bank account and leave you with nothing to show for it.

Question #1: Does the opportunity involve you creating your own unique website -- or using a cookie-cutter template website provided by an affiliate company?

We always urge our customers to create their own unique website instead of using a cookie-cutter template provided by an affiliate company.

Because if the company is giving you a ready-made website complete with products to sell, chances are there are hundreds or even thousands of people using the exact same website to sell the exact same product. How much money do you think you can generate when you're going up against that kind of competition?

Question #2: If it's an affiliate opportunity, is the company making you PAY to promote it?

Ask yourself this: If a company is making a product that millions of people are going to want to buy, why wouldn't they simply sell it themselves -- instead of making other people pay for the opportunity to sell it for them?

The truth is, companies like this KNOW their "affiliates" aren't going to generate any sales. That's why they need to get your money up front.

Take it from a company that has been running a highly successful affiliate program for years. If someone wants to become an IMC affiliate and sell our products for us, we would never make them pay. Why should they? They're doing us a favor! Question #3: If there's a product involved, do you know if there's actually a MARKET for it?

Are you positive you're selling a product or solution people are actively looking to buy online -- and not easily finding? That is the formula for a successful business.

The best way to discover if there is a demand for your product is to do keyword research with a tool like the Google Analytics Keyword Tool. The keywords will tell you if a decent number of people are actively seeking a solution for the problem your product addresses.

If your keyword research shows there isn't any demand for the product online, then drop this business idea immediately. Because if there isn't any demand for your product online, how will you ever be able to find anyone to sell it to?

Question: #4: What kind of competition are you going up against?

After you've done your keyword research to discover the phrases people are using to describe the problem that your product solves, type those keywords into Google to see what kind of competition you'll be facing should you choose to build a business targeting those keywords.

If millions of sites appear in the search results, and the top 10-20 results are filled with sites that do a great job of providing information and products that will solve the problem represented by the keywords, then you are going to find it VERY hard to break into this market. Our advice is: abandon ship!

Question #5: Can you come up with a unique USP to offer your customers?

It's extremely rare to find a market that has absolutely NO competition, so chances are good that when you try to break into that market, you're going to find yourself going up against some businesses that have been there for a while. How do you compete against older, more established businesses and survive?

Simple: you offer something they don't have. You make your prices lower or add more value to the product -- whatever makes you stand out from your competitors and makes your audience notice you.

If there is nothing you can offer the market that isn't already available online, then your business has very little chance of succeeding. Question #6: Can the company prove a successful track record?

If you've never heard of the company before -- and they can't offer solid proof they've got a successful track record -- then how can you trust them to help YOU make money?

Give them a call and talk to them in person. Be skeptical. Ask them hard questions. If they say they're a successful company, ask for proof. And if you feel like you're getting stonewalled in any way, then don't do business with them.

Question #7: What do former customers/affiliates say about the opportunity?

A little bit of research goes a long way when you're starting an Internet business. Try typing "the name of the program + scam" or "the name of the program + customer review" into Google and see what results you get. If the majority of the results are from former customers saying the product is a scam or a waste of money, then whatever you do, don't make the same mistake THEY did.

... So those are the seven questions we STRONGLY encourage you to ask when you come across a potential online business opportunity.

By asking these questions and seriously evaluating the answers you uncover in your research, you will be able to figure out whether that online business opportunity will generate real profits or drain your bank account.

And if you ever want to talk to us in person about an online business opportunity you're considering, please feel free to call us at: 1-877-314-7511.

We are committed to helping you grow a profitable website!

To your success

The Internet Marketing Center Team
The Internet Marketing Center
380-2925 Virtual Way
Vancouver BC V5M 4X5

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