Thursday, October 09, 2008

Niche Marketing Explained

What exactly is Niche Marketing?

Niche marketing is a term which you will come across time and time again in the world of internet marketing, and perhaps you have a vague idea of what it means even if you aren’t able to give a precise definition.

The word 'niche' usually means a special, usually very limited and strictly defined subject or topic, usually a product or a service, while marketing' is the act of promoting what you have to sell. Therefore, niche marketing means the promotion of a product or service in a very specialized area. Being in a niche market means that although your market is limited, the people who are in the buying area of that market are much more likely to buy, as they have found exactly what they are looking for.

You may have heard the term “long tail” keywords, which is a method of targeting your niche. For instance, if your site is about hair care, if someone types that phrase into a search engine, it is not very likely that your site would come up, as there is way too much competition for that keyword. However, if you use a long tail keyword like “How do I stop my hair from drying out”, the number of people typing in that particular phrase will be much smaller, but on the other hand if that’s the problem they have, and that’s the phrase they type in, it is much more likely that your site will come up ahead of others.

One other advantage of targeting the not so common keywords is that the cost of buying your keyword, say for an Adwords campaign, will be that much lower.

Of course if your site is actually about hair care in general, your long tail keyword will reach its targeted audience, but unless there is specific reference to that long tail keyword on your landing page, and a solution to that particular problem of dry hair, your targeting of that niche market will be wasted.

So, niche marketing is the art of selling a product or service
to people who are looking for that exact niche. They are not interested in shampoos or conditioners; they are only interested in products that are specifically designed to deal with the problem of dry hair.

Finding a niche for your product should be fairly easy. Imagine yourself as the prospective customer – what are the words you would type into a search engine to find your product?

Make sure you have done your research well, before you target your niche market. There needs to be a definite demand for that product, and above all, there needs to be a profit in it. Too many people follow some guru’s advice to concentrate on things you know, when in fact the things in which you are interested may not have a market.

You may be passionate about a particular style of knitting, but I doubt that there would be a ready market for it.

The aim is to try to find a market that’s still small enough that it hasn’t yet attracted too much competition, but yet is still large enough to provide enough potential customers. This may be easier said than done, but it is still possible.

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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Back-end sales - where the real money is

income fulfils the dream of putting money in a marketer's pocket with
hardly any work or effort on their part. The extra sales of back-end
products mean that you can get paid for work that you only have to do
once. If this sounds like your kind of lifestyle, read on.

Firstly, what are back-end products? They are the new products you
come across which you then offer to your existing customers, i.e. to
people who have previously bought something from you, and are now on
your email list.

Most marketers make a lot more money from selling a second, third,
fourth product to their customers than from selling their original product.
The reason is that once you’ve built up some trust, people who've
bought from you once are much more likely to buy again.

If you shift your focus from the short sighted "take the money
and run" approach used by so many marketers, you will get a lot
more respect from your customers and in the process make a lot more
money. This is a lot better than getting a massive amount of traffic
and selling an over-priced, over-hyped product that doesn't deliver
what was promised.

You might make some dollars in the short run, but you will only sell
to each customer once and will have to continue spending on advertising
to get new customers. You may also get some negative feedback. The internet,
for all its great size, is still quite a small place, especially in
the field of internet marketing – word gets around.

All successful sites make building a strong relationship with their
customers a top priority. Your main goal therefore shouldn't be to just
make your customers satisfied, you want them to be more than satisfied.
One way of keeping them more than just satisfied is to deliver over
and above what you sold them. Give them a useful bonus, and they will
be pleasantly surprised and thankful. If you only sell quality goods
and great programs, your list will trust you more, and once you have
that trust, you can just about sell them anything. When you send your
very satisfied customers your next email offering another product that
you think they would be interested in, they will have a tendency to
buy it because they trust you.

Do You Really Need Your Own Product?

Whether you need to have your own product to become a successful affiliate
marketer is a perennial question that keeps being asked and answered
ever since the start of affiliate marketing, and everyone has a different
answer. Some say you it is essential to have your own product to succeed,
while there are also those who say you don't need your own product;
you can make more than enough buy selling someone else’s.


Having your own product is still the best option to make
money online
, but it isn't absolutely necessary. Those who own their
own product can build their sales page around that product and have
affiliates working for them. Product owners love affiliate marketers
and products to sell are easy to find.

People who don't have their own products can still make a reasonable
living from being an affiliate marketer.

.The thing that both those who do and those who don't have their own
product have in common is that they both must believe in the products
they sell, as you will never be successful in selling something that
you’re not interested in yourself. It takes drive and commitment
to succeed at any endeavour and affiliate marketing is no different.
You must believe in a product in order to keep your drive and ambition
alive and well, otherwise you will lose interest.

Whether you are marketing your own product or a product produced by
others your success is directly related to how effective your advertising
is, how driven you are to succeed, how well you manage your time and/or
money, and finally how much you believe in the product.

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