Sunday, October 14, 2007
Blog tip for you
Saturday, October 13, 2007
St. Paul's letter to the internet marketers!
To save you trying to find a Bible, verse 10 says “I want to suggest that you finish what you started to do a year ago”, and verse 11 is even better – it says “Let your enthusiastic idea at the start be equalled by you realistic action now”.
The reason I nearly stopped reading is because these words really struck home to me as an internet marketer, and I suspect it would have struck a chord with you too.
Have we not all been guilty of enthusiastically downloading the latest magic formula for online riches? We probably only bought what we did because of the “$15000 worth of bonuses” which were offered along with the product.
Now we have hard drives cluttered up with stuff we have never opened, and sometimes stuff we have actually paid money for, and yet still have never used.
What went wrong? Did we get too busy with other things, thinking we would get around to using that marvellous money making scheme later? The trouble is, later never comes, as we get distracted by another hundred emails, each of which promises so much, but which will just as inevitably deliver so little, and off we go again, looking for the next big thing.
Have a look on your hard drive. I’ll bet you’ve got stuff that you can’t recognize from the file name, can’t remember where you got it from, or why you ever downloaded it.
It is a known fact that if an internet marketer sold private label right books or articles to a limited market of 300 people (and for PLR you wouldn’t want any wider distribution than this), only about a third or less would ever appear on the net. This is why PLR products are so good – if you follow up your enthusiasm with action, you will have a great chance of making good, as you will have a significant advantage over the vast majority who will do nothing with their purchase.
So, how do you get yourself into this happy situation?
What you have to do is BEGIN! Yes, it’s as simple as that. Tell yourself that on a certain day at a certain time you will start on ……………… (Enter your own project here – fish it out of the “too hard” basket.
Don’t open any emails on that day, don’t get distracted by anything at all, and at least MAKE A START. This is how writers get over their mental block. Rather than sit there staring at a blank piece of paper in their typewriter (those that still use typewriters), they start typing. What they type doesn’t really matter, it is just a trigger to get them going.
For instance, this very evening I found out why the links on my website were in large print, and bolded, thereby using up too much space in my website ads. I had been putting this off for months, knowing it was something to do with a mysterious CSS file, but not quite knowing what a CSS file actually was, what it did, and what I had to do to achieve what I wanted.
Eventually, I did a search, and found a CSS tutorial. Then I went to Dreamweaver and loaded up my money-making site. I then found that I didn’t need the tutorial at all, Dreamweaver let me edit the CSS file on the screen. The whole thing took less than thirty seconds! All I had to do was make the commitment to myself to actually start doing what I had been putting off for so long. I urge you to do the same.
Next I resolved to carry out what I had thought about in church, that there was a good article somewhere in St. Paul’s words, so I opened up Word, typed the headline, and haven’t stopped until I got to here!
So, type out verses 11 and 12, and stick them to your screen, or somewhere where you will see them each time you sit down at your computer, and marvel that St. Paul’s words are still so relevant to us today as internet marketers!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Nikon d80 lowest price
Specifications are subject to change without any notice or obligation on the part of the manufacturer. August 2006 Money-making Opportunities | | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| | | |
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Spread your ads
Spread your advertisements all over the net
by letting your visitors give away your online freebies.
Just include your ad somewhere inside them.
You could also start an affiliate program and pay
people commissions to run your ads. You could also
give your affiliates viral marketing tools to use, like free
e-books or articles.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Niche list profits
You can do the same-each site you put up will be 100% automated and start generating recurring income you can count on for years to come.
So get your own copy of niche list profits - it's not expensive, and you could get your money back within hours.
Go to
to get your copy
Peter Phillips
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Keep your customers loyal
Remember to keep your regular customers loyal because they
represent your future profits. Give them discounts and
free gifts as often as possible. If you treat them right
and are loyal to your customers, most of them will be
your customers forever. Returning customers will make up about
80% of your business and profits.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Get your product evaluated first
Get your products or services evaluated by
giving your product for free in exchange for
evaluations and even testimonials. You will soon find out if there are
any major problems with your product before you begin to sell it.
You might even discover some new uses or selling points
for your product as well.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Get your resources evaluated for free!
You can get both your sales letters and your web site evaluated for
free if you pay a visit to various discussion boards and ask other
participants to give you some constructive criticism. Don't be too discouraged
if someone gives you some negative feedback
regarding your web site. Most people really are only trying to
help you, so remember to take the criticism constructively.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The power of positive selling
You've got to motivate your visitors to buy your product by suggesting
positive benefits. For example, you could say, "You
can now reach your goals and change your life if
you buy our product.” Describe the kind of lifestyle which could be achievable if they bought your product.
If you come across as being positive
in your ad copy, they will become positive about
reaching their goals and dreams using your product.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Turn your banners into a contest
Why not use your banner ad as a trivia question. Put
a question on your banner and then tell readers they can
win a prize if they answer the question at your site.
People love to answer these types of questions because it makes them feel smart if they get the correct answer.
The prize of course is just an
Give them one of the reports you've got sitting on your hard drive